7.1 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action and Serious Search7.1.1 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action7.1.2 Affirmative Action Serious Search Policy7.1.3 Search Process for Faculty Searches7.1.4 Search Process for Non-Faculty Salaried Appointments7.1.5 Reporting on Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action7.2 Employment of Members of the Same Family7.3 Responsibilities of Supervisors7.3.1 Addressing Complaints by or Against Employees7.4 Benefits for Faculty and Staff Members7.4.1 Benefits Communication7.4.2 Access to Health Services at the MIT Medical Department7.4.3 Affiliate Health Program7.4.4 Personal Assistance Benefit7.5 Leaves of Absence and Faculty Teaching Relief7.5.1 Sabbatical Leaves for the Faculty7.5.2 Sick and Family Leaves for the Faculty7.5.3 Faculty Teaching Relief7.5.4 Professional and Personal Leaves for the Faculty7.5.5 Unpaid Leaves of Absence for Staff Members7.5.6 Parental Leaves of Absence7.5.7 Leaves of Absence for Victims of Domestic Violence7.5.8 Military Leaves7.6 Layoff for Lack of Work or Funds7.6.1 Decision Criteria7.6.2 Review by Human Resources Officer and Approval by Academic Council Member7.6.3 Letter of Notification7.6.4 Layoff Notice Period7.6.5 Funding of Notice Period for Long-Service Personnel7.6.6 Extension of Medical Coverage in the Event of Layoff7.7 Retirement of Faculty and Staff Members7.8 Travel at Institute Expense7.9 Procurement Policy on Gifts and Gratuities7.10 MIT Employees Working Outside Massachusetts (Domestic or International) 7.11 Employment or Appointment of Foreign Nationals