The MIT Talent Acquisition team's website gives detail on hiring for nonacademic staff:
Non-academic appointments (definitions of “regular”, “term” etc.) EPM Section 2.1.2 links to this Talent Acquisition website
Temporary workers: EPM Section 2.3
MIT conducts criminal record background checks for new hires with paid appointments.
Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) policy
The Background Check Office website provides further information on the process.
Welcoming new employees is a collaborative effort of both central HR and the local hiring department. This MIT Talent Acquisition team's website gives information on the new hire experience including the components of onboarding for which central HR is responsible.
New employees use Atlas for New Hires for the following:
Review of personal information such as home address and emergency contact
I-9 verification
Obtaining an MIT ID Card
Benefits enrollment (information on benefits eligibility is at
Commuting benefits
Payroll tax withholding and direct deposit
Registering for a central HR Orientation session
Sexual Misconduct & Prevention Awareness Training
MIT Alert
Intellectual Property Agreement
Administrative staff must sign up for the Vacation Tracker to accrue and report their vacation
SRS and Senior Research Scientists/Engineers/Associates and Postdoctoral Associates/Senior Postdoc Associates use a special SRS vacation tracker
Support staff and service staff vacation accrual and reporting is done through the payroll system (SAP)
References to P&P are to Policies & Procedures; references to EPM are to the Employment Policy Manual