The Institute's chief executive officer is the President. Senior administrative officers of the Institute include the Provost, the Chancellor, the vice chancellors, the vice provosts, and the vice presidents. The academic program is directed by the President, the Provost, the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, the vice provosts, and six deans, each responsible for the undergraduate and graduate programs in one of the five academic Schools and the College. In addition, the Vice Chancellor for Student Life is concerned with all aspects of student life, and the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education is concerned with the quality of the undergraduate program and with coordinating educational and research policies of the graduate programs. The Director of Libraries has policy and operating responsibility for the MIT libraries. See Section 1.6 for information on the role of Academic Council.
Responsibility for determining the structure of the academic departments rests with the Administration and the Corporation, but changes are carried out in consultation with the Faculty. When contemplating the closing or substantial reorganization of an academic department or interdisciplinary laboratory or center, the President, the Provost, and the Chancellor are encouraged to seek the guidance and advice of the Officers of the Faculty on ways to involve the affected faculty, students, and staff. In the event of a proposal to abolish or substantially reorganize an existing academic unit, the President, in consultation with the Chair of the Faculty, will convene a committee to review the procedures followed in developing the recommendation. The committee's scope will include the extent of prior consultation and the adequacy of planning for affected personnel, students, and programs of teaching and research. Following the closing or substantial reorganization of an interdisciplinary laboratory or center, the Provost shall report to the Faculty Policy Committee on the extent of prior consultation and the adequacy of planning for affected faculty, students, and staff affiliated with the closed or reorganized laboratory or center.
Details about the academic departments and programs organized within the five Schools and the College can be found at the following links:
Details about the structure of MIT's administrative departments can be found on both the Senior Leadership Organization Chart and the Reporting List (showing the Institute's Senior Officers and the units that report to them).