5.1 Responsibilities of Supervisors and Individual Employees in Payroll Matters

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It is the responsibility of supervisors to familiarize themselves with necessary reporting obligations such as attendance and time reporting to enable them to administer Institute pay policies consistently for all employees.  Supervisors must oversee the performance of staff who report to them sufficiently to be confident that the quantity of work reflects the hours reported or paid as well as meeting their expectations for quality. Guidance on supervising the quantity and quality of work for employees working alternative schedules or off-site can be found in the MIT Job Flexibility guidelines.

Supervisors may not ask or suggest that hourly paid employees report less time than was in fact worked. For their part, hourly paid employees are required to account accurately for all time worked, wherever that work is performed. Over-reporting or under-reporting time worked may result in discipline up to and including termination. See also Sec. 5.4.2, Notice and Assignment of Overtime.