13.3 Archival Policy

This page was last updated more than five years ago. See the update history page for more information.

Recognizing the need to ensure the preservation and availability of the official records of the Institute for legal, administrative, and historical purposes, the MIT Corporation has adopted the following archival policy.

All records generated or received by the various administrative and academic offices of the Institute in the conduct of their business, regardless of the form in which they are created and maintained, are the property of the Institute and constitute archival material. The records covered by this policy include official printed material, correspondence, machine-readable files, record books, minutes, committee files, financial records, and associated papers.

All administrative officers of the Institute and Officers of the Corporation, as well as those members of the Faculty who, by virtue of administrative responsibilities either of a continuing or occasional nature, possess files, records, or documents relating to their official duties, are requested to observe the following regulations:

  1. Archival material in MIT offices may not be destroyed or placed in storage without the approval of a committee of three consisting of the following:
    1. the President's designee, representing the Corporation and the administration;
    2. the Institute Archivist, representing the Director of the MIT Libraries; and
    3. the dean of the appropriate School in the case of academic departments, the Provost in the case of interdepartmental laboratories or other interdepartmental entities, or the cognizant senior officer in the case of administrative or other general Institute and alumni offices.
  2. Material so selected for preservation shall be sent to the MIT Archives in the Libraries.
  3. The officer in charge of each administrative or academic office, in consultation with the Institute Archivist, will be responsible for deciding how long inactive papers are to be retained in and under the direct control of the office concerned.
  4. All photographs, other visual material, and artifacts significant to the Institute's history shall be sent to the MIT Museum.

The Institute would also welcome the offer of privately owned material bearing on the history of the Institute and of science and technology, provided, however, that the Institute incurs no obligation to retain such material as an integrated collection or in any prescribed form.

The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Institute Archives and Records Management Program of the MIT Libraries.